Friday, July 15, 2016

"How Are You?"

"How are you?" This question is asked by million's of people throughout any given day. It is such a loaded question and is often asked by many people who perhaps do not realize the gravity of their inquisition. Truth be told, most people who ask that question are not looking for a sincere answer. To the contrary, when someone asks, you "how are you?" they have probably anticipated your answer before the question leaves their mouth. Common responses to such a question might be, "I'm fine" "I'm good, you?" or even, "I can't complain." I have realized that most of the people who answer the question have gotten used to offering a generic response, even when they are not "fine." 
Today as I arrived at work someone asked me, "how are you?" and my response was, "I'm good." But in all actuality,....I'm not. Two days ago I receive some very troubling news and my emotions have been all over the place. I have prayed and sought the Lord, but sometimes I don't even know what to say.
Amazingly enough though, the morning before I received  this news, I had such a great time basking in the presence of the Lord. It was almost as though he was preparing me for what was to come later that afternoon. So, that is what I have held on to. It gives me peace to know that my heavenly father cares enough about me to build me up and equip me to handle situations that I don't know even exists.
Even in the midst of trouble, I am reminded  of my DAILY need for him. I know the road ahead may be a tough one, but I am confident that if I stay connected to him, he will pull me through. I encourage you to fully rely upon our life sustaining savior.  Even when a question as simple as, 'how are you?" makes you want to ball up and cry, please know that God sees you and he can give you peace and hope in the most troublesome times.
Till next time,
~Stay Connected
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome
 the world.” ~John 16:33

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